Streets of Chance Stories

About Me

Hey there and welcome to my Story blog!

My Background

I have wanted to be a book author ever since I was a child, and have often gravitated towards writing as something I feel naturally comfortable with as a means of expressing myself, a healthy outlet and an incredibly fulfilling creative activity.

At University, I majored in linguistics, with minors in Politics, English literature and Journalism & Media Studies.

This was probably due to my obsession with how words are constructed in language and how language is utilised in communication. I can be very nitpicky about the framing and misframing of narratives, which may hopefully translate well into my stories.

About Me

I value rational skepticism, but I try not to allow it to get in the way of experiencing the wonder and beauty of life, and exploring the meaning we as humanity can create, through our shared passion, creativity and empathy, and even the beauty and change we can create in the world as individuals.

I am a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, in fact, it is people I have met there who have become family to me - in the real way.

I'm also polyamorous, which in my case is a relationship orientation rather than a style, and seems as much a part of me as my sexual or romantic orientation.

My Interests

I'm a big fan of the late (and incredible) Carl Sagan, which probably fits me neatly into a very definable box in terms of my (a-)beliefs, philosophy and approach to the world.

Interests-wise I especially enjoy quirky and absurd fantasy books that remind me of Terry Pratchett's Discworld and have a love of rather eclectic, arty and story-rich games. Immersivess is key for me. Thank you Monkey Island for first introducing me to the games I love and inspiring a generation of developers!

I also seem to have gotten into visual novels, and will probably wax lyrical about some of those soon in the reviews section of my Main Blog!

I get pretty nostalgic about certain great cartoons from my youth (Gargyoles though!) but I also have been discovering really incredible recent ones (such as The Owl House and Miraculous Ladybug!) as well as plenty of anime. Maybe there will be a lot of those reviews arriving, come to think about it! I also intend to make some lists of recommended media on said Main Blog soon.

The Goal of This Blog

On here I hope to share the results of exercising my creative writing muscles and pursuing my passion. Possibly I may even have the words reach people who will relate and feel seen, and possibly find that what I have to say resonates with their own lives.

So welcome! Thank you for being here!